Tuesday, September 30, 2008
P.S. this is going to be a long blog entry.
we went out again.many things happened again. aiyo, dunno is it every saturday something will surely happpen.
this time around we went to bugis. actually we wanted to go and buy bag but in the end we bought tshirts instead.. finally got a "little miss" series tshirt. HAHA. LITTLE MISS GIGGLES in pink colour. ate some korean kimchi chicken with rice at the bugis mall foodcourt for dinner.
damn happy today.. cos zt bought the feilunhai concert tickets. so excited. can't wait for 19 dec. ar..... so happy. yea yea. HAHA. btw, some interesting thing today. one old couple qarrelled in bugis. the old man started shouting at the woman(i think is a china woman) over the buying of a handphone. from what zt overheard, she say that the man very gam..keep insisting that the handphone very ex then dun want to buy for the woman. very stingy man.. actually i didnt really noe what happened la. zt just go and ba gua other people. aiyo. after that, the woman started to walk off and she shouted so loud that everyone turned to look at her.. HAHA. WE QUICKLY WALKED AWAY LOR. then she keep shouting and scolding at the same time when she walked.. dunno why.. but she kept walking in our direction, like following us lor. like so super gu yi. wherever we walked to and look at those "CARTS" (off topic..a bit.. those carts sell those very cute things... but then all not suitable for us leh...all selling those couple couple thingss..pillows case and keychains etc. if got those friend friend things then i sure buy lor.hiaz sian.)
anyway back to the woman. she still continue screaming and then the old man follow behind her, trying to stop her from shouting.. hahaha .. we thought she look like the "er nai" aka mistress then the old man is those kind of ppl that go and "buy" those china wife one.. then we said if this kind of man is our bf sure kick him and immed break de lor. walau.
the funny thing happened. when we thought we were far away from the couple, then they suddenly walked past us again. haha. and the woman went to throw the man's bag into the dust bin. the man had to dig his bag up from the dust bin fast... and follow the woman again..trying to catch up with the woman. too bad lah..who ask him so gam with his $$.
BTW, we were so wu liao that we walked from bugis mrt to lavender mrt. Actually we just wanted to go to some underground passageway where the escalator is automatic. but in the end, we started walking straight and ended up walking towards lavender. before that we thought we can walk to city hall or something. haha...
WATCHED ICE HOCKEY AT JE AGAIN. the ballie (the black thing) flew out 2 times during the game. the first time it flew out, the ballie almost hit on me. LUCKILY it didnt. heng ar. otherwise sure damn funny. then the second time it didnt hit me. but it flew out and i had to go and pick up for them. (cos that time only left the 2 of us) haiizz..
HAHAHA. i forgot that there hav some plastic plane surrounding the ice hockey ring and also the net. dunno what got onto me. i tried to pass the ball to the player thr the plastic plane (which i forgot it exist). then i still wondering why i cant pass the ball thr. then i saw the player's hand on top...shit man. totally feel so stupid.
anyway, i created a new word today..bong bong. wanted to say blangas. cos i saw lots of blangas sitting at the je grass patch. (the big piece of land just outside the mrt station).. i really dunno what made me said bong bong.. it was extremely funny and we stood there laughing non-stop. my pronounication. HAHA. " there got alot of bong bong". HAHAHAHA. mayb i was drunk...
with lots of love,
P.S. just want to share this video.
never give up whatever you do. don't lose hope. be strong and get going.
new song from jay chou.
credits to uploader
what we could have been, 7:20 PM.
Friday, September 26, 2008
yesterday i went to MJ to look for danny at suntec city just because i don't want to stay at home slacking haha...as most of my friends are busy with attachment or have sch. Haiz. sian left two more weeks to sch reopen haha.Before going suntec, i went to look for cheun hoe at raffles ,she working there haha...so i had lunch with her.
When i reached suntec is around 4pm ,when i walked into MJ that time only danny alone in the shop as shin min went for don't know what course de.. haiz MJ still the same..S.H.E album released le haha.. got 2 version, to my surprise, danny bought already. damn fast. & also can pre order jay album then got free gift. I stay in the shop talking to danny and listen to S.H.E album hehe... and waited for shin min to come back lor.Another shocking thing is danny also want go fei lun hai concert haha.... wah lao he wanna buy the cheapest ticket. Totally see nth haha, rather watch dvd.
An hour later shin min was finally back haha.... so me & danny went to the arcade to diao the micky mouse which he say cute . At first he spent $10 to diao but too bad haha so he spent another $5 haha.. the micky mouse was almost going to drop into the hole so he try again, this time we finally got the micky mouse, then he gave it to me hehe.... left two more token so last try lor ,to my surprised .... now got two micky mouse haha.... so coincidental jia hui was there also, so we went back to the store to say hi to her ...danny gave the micky mouse to her . He like spend so much $$ wanting to get the micky mouse in the end he gave it to me & jia hui, so ke lian.Not bad already la just spent $19 to diao two micky mouses haha..somemore got light haha...
Its really a lucky day
with love
what we could have been, 8:42 PM.
HAHA. Today i pon lesson. i did go school but the lesson was simply too boring. DO DISCUSSION with a BIG GROUP. sians.WOW LIKE SO INTERESTING LOL. totally made me want to run. i eventually run off lor. so scary when u try to run off from the lect theatre. must slowly and softly and quickly when the lect is not looking... just outside of the door, my heart still racing. SCARED. somore, the lect saw us when we went in (cos we late ma and the rest of the ppl alr in their big groups). anyway, we went off lor.. went to west mall and played arcade.
HAHAH...played basketball in arcade. never knew it could be so tiring. but at least the 3 of us worked together and managed to go to stage 4 ending with a score of 340+. MANDY WAS SO GOOD.(scored 200+ points alone) SO funny the 3 of us. play until like want to die alr. hahaha.. somore we realised that the colour of our clothes so matching.. Phoebe wearing black, Mandy wore white and I wore white with black pokkadots. haha.. hei bai peh. and im the "peh". i know this is lame...but never mind.
then we bought some things to eat and drank bubble tea. sat at kfc and started chatting about lots of things. btw, i ate the new drumplets. ordered spicy thai. but ended up eating the bbq one. cos phoebe and i got confused with which is which.
btw, zt bdae is coming. hahaha...
with love,
what we could have been, 1:11 AM.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
20 sep 2008.On the way to East Coast Park with huiting, we met a weird uncle( should be in his 50s) on the MRT. The uncle went in the train (with me) at Jurong East, he started talking to himself, leaning on the glass planal (near to our seat.our seat was a two seater seat). At first, huiting didn't hear the man talking as she was talking to me. A few minutes later, the man suddenly turned his head to us and said some weird things.
He said in mandarin"dui bu qi, xiao jie" then he kept repeating these words and kept bowing to us". Suddenly he said"wo lao po li kai wo le. wo hen tong ku" after which he continue to repeat "dui bu qi, xiao jie" and somore getting louder lol. WE IGNORED HIM LOL.SO SCARY.I quickly walked away and signalled huiting to come over. He still continue. my god. Huiting already want to get down the train lol. somore the side we stood is not where the door opens. Then at Buona Vista, huiting immediately squeeze through the people and ran out of the train without waiting. She really damn scared, ran over to the other side of the station and hid behind the wall, peeping..HAHAHA!!
No choice lor. i alight at Commonwealth, the man also alighted and was walking behind me, so i quickly ran over to the end of the station. Luckily, the man didn't followed lor.
lunch at LJS Paya Lebar..
i suggested taking 135 and alight at Parkway Parade ... but then ,we found out that the distance is so damn long..( i think we probably sit until can fry an egg already......) so we decided to take bus 401 from bedok. so troublesome .
While waiting for the bus, suddenly got 3 CHINA men approached us , one of them asked" how to get to this place ?? he pointed to the picture from SOME TOURIST GUIDE BOOK (it is actually east coast park haha.....) huiting totally looked stunned so i replied "take this bus". somore after that, one still ask got wat to do there besides cycling? HAHA. Erm...then we looked at each other...dunno what to say sia. We like thinking the same thing..ppl go east coast to cycle ma. else what?
when we reached there ard 3, huiting still asked "you really want to ride now ar ? looks like going to rain..but i told her "don't think so" and so we rented the bicycle . It rained just when we cycled out of the shop. at first drizzling, when we go futher, the rain became heavy. haha... and we quickly cycle to the nearest shelter . huiting said " think our $10 fly away alr " . I say ya $10 gone, cos we like only cycle to the shelter.
HAHA. the rain so heavy as if got tai feng like that.. wah all the leaves and the wind blowing like dunno what. everyone in the shelter damn funny.. even got the sounds of the Waaa and ooohhhhss...HAHAHA
we cycled all the way close to changi beach when a lady ramped on to my bike when we parked our bikes to take a break. my god. dun even know how she cycle lor, cycle still dunno how to brake. somore ramp until my bike the bell dropped off and the bicycle chain came out. wasted our time trying to fix the thing. if not we probably already cycled to changi beach alr. unlucky sia.. and made our hands dirty when fixing the chain thingy.
at nite.Oh yea, we DRANK ALOCOHOLIC DRINKS. haha.. actually is only 5% ALCOHOL...somore we damn scared we drunk that we shared a bottle. we stayed at je entertainment to watch ice hockey and to finish the drink. damn funny la.. we sat there watch hockey look like some kids that dun wan to go hm.

YEAH hahaha.......
sad leh. je going to close down soon and all the shops will have to move out. after all these years. the building that was there since young. haiz...
anyway, just had a great time today...
what we could have been, 10:52 PM.