Thursday, October 23, 2008
This is the second week of sch. Have a assignment to pass up on the 5
th week...
omg we are like back to sec sch taking S.S
haha need to visit a historical place of
Singapore for the
module Singapore world issues,so tomorrow we are going to fort canning
haha... it might be crazy and bored to go there but no choice,hope will be fun.
Tomorrow have wake up at 630 again have
AAP lecture on 8am,
supposed lesson start at 9am .The happy thing is lesson end at 1pm instead of 5pm yeah....will have a long week end as
Monday is public holiday, think of going to
Labrador park on
Just checked my
attachment roaster shit my
attachment fall on 15-26
DEC sian. Hope i am in the morning on 19
th DEC pls haha.For this coming holiday i feel going
Malaysia,maybe look for
fion haha...never been for holiday since sec 1 so long &
huiting always say want go
Taiwan end up saying go on next year
with love,
what we could have been, 9:04 PM.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
wahaha. Went to dental again to collect my retainers. Super uncomfortable wearing these things. Chose the transparent de. haha. at least not so obvious...
got skit presentation today. Super scared. in front the whole lect. ohh man so sian. Luckily it came out quite well. hahaha. Actually i met zt after sch to take bus hm together. But then on the bus suddenly we decided to go and watch "butterfly lovers" aka liang zhu. What an impromptu decision. Went to vivo eventually to watch it.
watched the 9.40 slot. funny leh. only got one slot to watch. i thought it should be very popular de ma. Anyway, i think the show quite nice la overall. just that zt said it was boring at the front.
hahaha. watched till so late that we almost didnt have a train to go back. heng we ran all the way to the mrt station to take the north east line. the last train already. Lucky we made it. Managed to get into the train within the last 2 minutes before the train leaves. hahaha. On the train, zt said we need to run again. cos the train to boon lay is also the last one. hahaha. we checked our shoelaces (so that it wun drop off when we run) and make sure that everything was kept properly... cos we need to prepare to run again.
hahaha. when the train door opened, we ran all the way to the other station aka outram park station. along the way u will only hear some announcement made... "the last train from harbour front has left".. "the station is closed"... dun understand why so many people still strolling. i thought they should run also. like only the 2 of us who are running.
Ran like we never run before. lucky we managed to catch the train a minute before it arrived. is like we reached the station and the door just opened. i think if we were one minute later... then game over liao. probably we just have to take the bus or the cab. heng. so lucky man.
aiyo, down with flu again. sianss.
P.S. cute pic of S.H.E (cute pinky!!!)
credits to uploader
what we could have been, 8:40 PM.
so many people birthday. so pok this month. need to buy so many presents. anyway, just celebrated all my grpmates bdae. haha. share the pics taken on these special days.

taken during phoebe bdae at ashton
during mandy bdae
cake for oct babies

the oct babies
whole group
some random pics. haha.
haha. xi, nu, ai, le (the 4 emo)...
on the bus
what we could have been, 6:39 PM.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
on friday. 10 oct.
went to the dental today. haha. removed my braces. so happy.. after the wait of 2 years and 4 months. i can only say time REALLY PAST SO FAST. SO EXICITED AND HAPPY IN THE MORNING. that i woke up early and could not sleep after that.
haha. i didnt the process of removing was so fast and easy. it is just using some kind of clamp thingy and then clamped onto the back ring (the thing that holds the whole braces) and pull it out on the both sides. tada!! the whole thing immediately come out. is really everything. i think the whole process is less than 10 mins. but then it requires a lot of strength to pull it out, cos the thing is really tight. anyway, when the braces came out, my mouth feels weird. feels like there is still something inside the mouth. and feels very flat. weird feeling but soon it will be used to it.
NOW, the next thing to do is to take care of my teeth properly. i don't want my teeth to be slanted again. must also brush it clean and white. hahaha. make my teeth bling bling...
anyway, this meant a new beginnning of another phrase of life. a good chance of me to start afresh and forget about all the unhappy things in the past. oh yeahhh!!!
P.S. i so loveee the song from S.H.E. ohh my goodness, the lyrics are so nicely writtten. but the mv makes me sad. btw this is the background song of this blog also. yan hai gong lu de chu kou.
credits to uploader
what we could have been, 10:38 AM.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

got a new hair cut hehe....
Haiz think i am expanding horizontally sian. Really don't understand why i still went buffet with huiting at sakura though i am getting fatter haha..fei le sob..Sch start Monday
luckily is not lesson in the morning if not more sian haha...
I Spent quite alot this week. de Thursday went k with gwen they all, today go eat buffet think i spent about 80 to 100 ba ... today actually wanted to go temple but i woke up in the noon haha..lazy pig,then after that went imm to change the svc box to digital box wait for two hours, damn long lor wasting time sia.
One month had already past.i feel like i am just wasting my time off doing nth at home or going out.going back to sch can good and bad haha...the good thing is i can get to see my friends again have fun with them..the bad thing is have to do project again and study for exam and very soon we will have our attachment again.
with love ,
what we could have been, 11:50 PM.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I agree with huiting that this is a memorable 2008,we found our very first job at MJ(music junction) i worked for 4 months.I was amazed that i can actually worked for months everyone complained on the long working hours .Although is tired, it was a great experience for me haha....
I stopped working one month before sch start haha....going to poly is a new start for me, i get to know my poly friends ,and had a great time with them. haha...tomorrow i will get to see gwen, kat & wendy!!! we are going to cine de k aha...
It's fate that brought us together,i always wonder,if i didn't choose nursing i won't get to know them, a group of cute and friendly guys haha...
Left a few more days!! Holiday is going to end...this is my 2nd holiday already ,very soon i will be in 20~~ sob sob.... looking foward to dec haha.... fei lun hai concert! this is my first time going to concert hehe...exciting!!!
with love,
what we could have been, 3:23 PM.
been busy with projects lately. dunno why have so many projects to complete. like forever cannot finish it lor... haiz. even public holiday also must do project. then in the end, the school never open and then we had to go np to do. luckily have np otherwise i think go hm liao. ( i didnt even noe the sch have gates) haha... anyway, we stayed there until about 5 plus. no difference from normal sch day. haiz. projects are killing me. haha.
my groupmates did a funny thing. haha. we ordered mcdelievery. haha. suddenly i feel we so da pai. haha. and the mac motor just voom voom into the place we sitting. somore there got other people. haha. so it is like practically everyone watched us getting our food from the mac guy. my group mates are really nice la. feel quite lucky to be able to group with them. just think is fate lor. cos they all are from poly, so technically the chance of metting them is almost close to a zero. but yet we managed to be in the same course and in the same group. plus the interesting thing is all our birthdays fall close to each other. 4 of them in oct, 10,11,13,and 14. the other 2 in nov,5 and 7. haha. so qiao man. i seriously think that this is all predestinated. if i could get into NUS or NTU, i probably wun even know them.
fate is such a wondeful thing. it pulls people together unknowingly. it is like an invisible string that matches up people and allow coincidentals to happen.
Sometimes i wonder, why do heaven always seem to make sport of me? when people start complaining that life is unfair, often they do not realise that actually they are already gaining from other aspects of life. sometimes it may be a blessing in disguise. i believe that everyone is treated fairly. when u GAIN something, u will also LOSE something in the end. only then life can be balanced. so dun only think about the bad side of things. everything will have two sides to it.
THATS WHAT I REALISED AFTER LIVING FOR 19 YEARS. luckily is not too late... :)
huiting :)
what we could have been, 11:24 AM.
today i finally got to see my sec sch friend XQ haha...long time no see... she promised me to go out with me on wednesday de,but ending up staying at home that day haiz who fault ??I feel like i am wasting my life haha... go changi airport. haha... just going there to eat then walked around haha.....think no one would be so bo liao as us haha...haiz really no place to go la..sian singapore really a small city haiz...althought is a wasted of time but is a good place to go,the environment is good ,relaxing haha ..we went to all the three terminal for MAC haha... XQ la want to eat haha....we waited quite long for the seat hehe.. as many ppl doing their revision there haiz..haiz what a pity go airport didn't go the viewing mall see fei ji haha...we went home at 8+ hehe...we sat all the way to pasir ris then back to boon lay ..lame sia really bo liao....anyway i have enjoyed myself today with XQ...
with love,

photo taken at airport haha....
what we could have been, 12:19 AM.
My day!!!! i am now one year older haiz getting older... lao le
.Starting from pri sch my birthday always got crash with exam period
haiz.Starting from this year it won't get crash with exam anymore as i
will be having holiday or attachnment during this period of time
hehehe....since young i always envy other people having a group of
friends who celebrated their birthday with them have many present lian de wo no one know when is my birthday haha JUST
KIDDING... starting from sec sch every year de birthday i would usually
spent time with my best friends xiao qian,cheun hoe,chailing hehe..they
are the one who remembers my birthday hehe... of cos i won't forget my
childhood friend huiting hehe she always pretended haha ... always wait
until the last minutes then wish me haha......
Although yesterday spenting half of the day slacking at home, but at
least i have enjoy myself with huiting at jurong east kbox at night.
the sad thing is that it is going to relocate at clementi on 19 oct sob
sob..... At first wanted to meet danny de,but he don't want to come
haha.. as he stay far from my house haha...he very funny de leh,i asked
him wanna come to JE we eat then go walk around haha... after that he
called me say like very bored haha.. actually ya lor haha,if ask me
travel so far i also very nvm i went je to meet huiting and
she meeting me 620 but i was late haha... the funniest thing was she
was more excited than me sia. haha...we went in at 7 the person told us
we can sing until 10. if available can extend to 11...haha we found
something interesting at k hehe... I BELIEVED I CAN MV haha like
watching A movie maybe you ppl can try search for the song, but we end
up going off at 1130 haha....think this would be the last time going to
JE k le. haiz sian sob....before going home we took some pictures but
not nice haiz hehe... think should retake some other day. THANK YOU!!!
My friend for giving me an enjoyable & memorable day ...never been
so happy on my day hehe....
Happy Birthday !! hehe.....anyway is a nice song hope you enjoy!!!
credits to uploader
what we could have been, 2:35 PM.
A little friend of mine. my very first friend and the one closest to me. other than my family. always been there silently supporting me. encouraaging me. I admit that i am a pessimist. but she is always on the optimistic side. leading me to see the brighter side of life. she made me feel that actually things were not that bad at all... and life can be so meaningful and interesting. even though sometimes i like to "po leng shui"(aka "shoot"), she never once really feel very angry. Thanks for her undersanding. though i sometimes cannot control and vent my anger on her on some small matters, i would always feel apologetic to her after each time.
I strongly believe that it was fate that brought us together to become friends in this lifetime. tell me, how many people can actually knew each other from young(probably from the time we were a foetus) and yet have such strong bonding even when we went to different schools and had different lifestyles? Sometimes i do wonder, what would we have become if we didnt have each other? probably we wouldnt have even met each other. just like 2 parallel lines that would never have any intersection.
"Whenever im feeling low, i look around me and i know..."(code from kit chan's HOME). I know that i always have a friend behind me even if everyone have left me. Becos of her, i feel thankful and lucky.
I know many people may have countless number of friends. so many that they cant even remeber who is who. But for me, I dun need so many "hi-bye" friends to feel my existence. All i need is only a few true friends who are willing to weather through storms and sunshine together with me. That alone is enough for me to feel blessed. zhenting has helped me realised this.
thanks for being with me through the different processes of my life. hope that we will still keep in contact no matter what happens. maybe our kids can also become good friends. haha. musT keep this spirit going. HAHA.
lastly, i want to wish my little friend, happy 19th birthday! may all wishes and the year ahead be smooth-sailing for you. :)
Specially want to dedicate this to my friend. remember u are not alone. cos u still have me here...
credits to uploader
what we could have been, 12:22 AM.