Saturday, January 31, 2009
been eating non stop during the past few days. tidbits, tidbits and more tidbits. sitting at one corner and eat non stop plus watching the tv made me munch more...
totally slacking when im home. argh. still have individual assignment to do. shitty.
why cny always so bored??? visiting, visiting and more more visiting. how i wish i got the money to fly off to somewhere to celebrate cny.
im turning 20 this year, time fly so fast. aiyo. and will be out in the working world in the year after next. waaa..... no more a teen. airrgh. im so freaking random here.
i need more things for me to laugh out loud. life is just tooo bored these days.
btw, channel u is going to air 愛就宅一起. woohoo. 21 feb. omg. excited!!!! can't wait. channel u simply rocks my life. *happily and madly skipping around* woohoo woohoo!!!!!
first time channel u so "ON", so fast buy over the broadcasting rights and airing the same period as taiwan... totally satisfy my cravings for more dramas. since after i finished pi li mit.
heard the cast coming on 20 feb to promote also. omggg.
huitinggg. :)
what we could have been, 2:08 AM.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
what we could have been, 3:43 PM.
fever for the past 2 days. terribly sick just before the cny. it is draining off ALL MY ENERGY. luckily, it came before and not during cny. or else i cant munch on my fav cny goodies and food. hopefully i will be well by tomorrow.
loooking forward to my 1 week break after cny.wuhu.
bak gua. im coming. muahahahaha.
huiting :) found the love in strepsils.honey and lemon. wuhu.
what we could have been, 11:22 PM.
Yesterday went orchard with huting to get our Cny clothe,i bought three one T-shirts from ZARA the others two from far east spent almost 100 bucks on clothe haha....5o dollars for the ZARA T-shirt.Although is T- shirt but it come with a vest.
never mind,once in a while haha.....
Me at east Coast park Me &haymun hehe...

There are more ,but not so nice .Lazy to upload la until now then upload lazy de me haha...
with love,zhenting
what we could have been, 1:14 AM.
life been the same these few days since school started. with the same old rountine everyday. sch, eat, sleep, internet, tv. sch, eat, sleep, internet, tv. and it repeats on and on. so 宅.
lessons seemed to be boring than ever. and i cant find the reason for it. prolly im still in the holiday mood.
i been fretting over cny clothes. trying to look for nice places to shop for the coming cny. argh. i want new clothes.... why cny come so early this year man. make me stressed sia.
seriously i think i need to lose a bit of weight. been eating non-stop during the hols. somore now im addicted to eating supper for the last few days. omg.
i want to be (at most) 50 kg. argh. should start walking long distances from next week...(funny how my frens were talking about walking from school to clementi mrt to lose weight). hahaha.
what we could have been, 11:21 PM.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
the first day of 2009. a new start, a new beginning.
hope everything will be smooth-sailing for me this year. hehehe....
huiting. woots!!! :)
what we could have been, 4:16 PM.