Huiting is extremely happyyy.. cant wait for sun.
First, do not have to meet up for projects for this coming sat and sun,
Second, will be free from projectsss in less than 3 days,
Third, holidays are comng in 3 weeks time.. though this means that exams will be very soon,
Fourth, can go IMM see flh without any worries for the proj,
Fifth, won st. james tickets from 933 to go for flh 'meet and greet' party immediately after IMM.
cant wait to see how st.james looks like inside.
im going with hy & alicia and zt going with xq & co. what a great get together. esp when everyone got the tickets to st. james too...
this weekend is so going to be fun, fun, and FUN!!
~huitingg ~~~
HAPPY-ING. floating off to dream world.~~less than 48 hrs to sun.
what we could have been, 9:28 PM.
Yesterday i woke up at 8 am haha... waiting for result to released at 9 am. I passed everything and glad that i am not alone .Maybe going for a movie later at jurong point,actually think of going play pool but v sian.
Piano theory is getting more and more difficult,don't feel like doing.A few months more have practical test on grade 5 sian,lazy to practice .
with love,zhenting
what we could have been, 2:39 PM.
I really scared of tomorrow,really pray hard that i will pass everything . There is high possibility our class will split,i really don't want.
Without friend i will be nth,friend are the one who really care and love you most,so we must cherish our friendship .When sch start i will be like yr 1 student haha don't know anyone in the class maybe.
with love ,zhenting

haha me emo just upload for fun
what we could have been, 12:32 PM.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Last Friday went ice skate with gwen they all haha..at first we thought only we 4 girls going didn't expect daryl to turn up haha... pity hsien yeow never come . We walked from kallang mrt to the leisure park the distance was quite ok. At first we thought it was a long distance,We spent around $18 on it for two hours .
This is my second time going to ice skate,the place is definetely better then je haha.This time is at least better at least can skate abit. , luckly my pant didn't wet haha..Kat is the only person who know how to skate haha..all overall we all enjoy ourselves . Daryl is the one who put in most effort to learn how to skate haha....
Result will be out on this friday so sian, didn't do much during this holiday haiz slack at home go play that all.Next Monday will be the start of attachment , 3 week of attachment and going to miss two piano lesson
Didn't feel good for theses few day because someone spoil my mood haha... never been so moody before haha....didn;t feel like doing anything just want to be alone.Hope everyting will ok and turn out to be fine. Wonder what xiao qian doing now?haha.. she must be enjoying herself lo haha..
Together kat daryl

gwen xin rong
with love,zhenting
what we could have been, 12:57 PM.
went over to johor last sat. at least a break from all the piles of proj. changed 100 sg dollars to ringgit. first time that i spend money like water. at least i still got some ringgit remaining. hahahah. shop here shop there.. all i can say is msia is really a good place to get cheap stuff. buy like nobody business. from one shop to another. all in 4 hrs. wa.. can only say girls can spend money without blinking.
sun. the heavy rain at my place. a few trees fell. that was how heavy the rain was. jurong so prone to lightning. even trees with thick tree branches also cannot escape from the clutches of the lightning god. i better stay indoors if possible when there is heavy rain. so scary. my goodness. even the merlion can be 'sot' by lightning so what's not possible?
on mon. lect just makes me laugh. the lect say" when u see the large crowd at the IT fair, where got recession?" and" people still have to queue up for high tea" LOL. makes me wonder recession probably will only affect the poorer people and not the rich. tsk tsk.
huitinggg. (bored and sick of sch.)
what we could have been, 11:00 PM.
WA siansssssssss.
Projects are killing me silently. datelines are near and we haven complete with one. the remaining assignments are just hanging there. does history has to repeat itself over and over again? i dun wan to be stuck again like in the last sem where we had to stay awake just to complete projects. last min kan chiong-ness isn't that great. it just stress and tires me out.
makes me wonder what life would be in the next sem...rushing of last mins projects again?
the only thing that im looking forward to is the dateline of these proj. only then will it spells the end of all troubles...
OH yes. im so looking forward to FLH in sg again. 29 march. thats the thing that keeps me surviving in the midst of projects.. i want to get my ToGetHer photobook soon. (thanks xq for shun bian order the book for me from taiwan..)
i love this line of the poem. got the FEEL..
Let this be my last word that I trust thy love.
huiting... :)
what we could have been, 10:28 PM.
HI, now having holiday lo left one more week to attachment. Yesterday went IMM with huiting because we nothing to do,before that i went to her house near-by market to have our lunch.We walked to IMM think it took us about 20minutes haha.
I everyday woke up so late like xiao qian, she always sleep v late almost 4 am then sleep. Tomorrow going ice skate with gwen they all lo, hope hsien yeow and daryl coming lo.
Now hav to start worried about my result,think will be out in one week times.Really scared haha....hope got improvement.

with love,zhenting
what we could have been, 3:04 PM.