finally, the exams are over. the holidays are here. is only the 2nd day of the hoilidays and im already feeling bored at home. im not even halfway through the holidays. there is still 2 and half months to go. i just dun feel like wasting my time slacking at home... feel like doing something more interesting rather than slacking at home and going out.
people are always busy when im free. why is it always like that? friends are now either preparing for their finals or busy with their things. totally no time to meetup.
i badly want to go Kbox. ard 2 months since the last kbox session.
i added up all the holidays that im going to have for the 3 yrs in sch. it amounts to about a year. WHAT??!! this means im wasting a year slacking around if i was to keep slacking.
i have a sudden urge to go overseas. 2 days ago, my sec friend msg me telling me that she will be going to Australia to study for a year... so cool. ytd, my other friend told me she will be going to Taiwan during the June holidays. this is her 2nd time going and last year she just went. makes me wonder when will i get to go Taiwan? when im old?
i been thinking what im going to do for my 21st next yr.
Nope.. im not going to do the typical stuff of holding a chalet to celebrate 21st. thats no creativity. everyone is doing the same thing for their 21st. i hope that i can celebrate it overseas (hopefully Taiwan!! yeah!! imagine celebrating birthday at Taipei 101...) this is going to be a different feeling. so cool and memorable. sadly, exams will probably clash on my birthday again. but never mind..i can still have a belated or an early birthday..heh.
actually anywhere is good as long as i get to go overseas. but Taiwan is my first choice.
PLUS... i want to take a personal photo album (like those portfolio)... to keep as memorance.
what we could have been, 9:57 AM.
i woke up at 12 noon today. looked out of the window and saw pimary school kids at the opposite block waiting for the afternoon school bus. only then did i realised is already so late that even primary school kids are already preparing for school. how i miss the times when i was like them waiting for the school bus, carrying my heavy big bag...
this sun will be a day gone with the
shao mu stuff.
what we could have been, 5:35 PM.
so long nvr blog... i think this page is covered with lots of dust. i shall blog on last week event..
WARNING: This ENTRY will be solely filled with FAH.
~SUN 29 March 09~
XQ and co. reached at 7.30am... but they already queue till where ADDIDAS is.(the queue start from FISH & CO.).and is only 7.30a.m in the morning!! (the queue start from downstairs cos the mall is not open yet.)by the time i reached ( i reached at 8.30 plus) i couldn't even see the end of the queue. is already right till the back.
but anyway me, hy and alicia just went to cut xq queue. otherwise i think we wun be able to stand inside the barrier and be hidden in some dark corners at level 4. Thanks to xq for letting us cut in! i feel like we are one big family.
DA GAI TOU HAI HO PANG a big gathering. a total of 10 ppl.( includes me and 2 of my frens, zt, xq and 3 of her frens, xq sis and sis fren)
randomness when in barrier...
the wait didn't seem long. since we were able to walk ard the mall once the crew settled us into garden plaza. this was much much much a shorter wait than the energy one at FUNAN. so actually is not so bad.
this is my 2nd time seeing 4 FLH members together in sg again. the previous time was 2 years ago, also at IMM on 28 JAN 07 (also on a sun.) That was much terrible than this. i almost got "drown" in the sea of people. (even when i was only standing by the side).
Autograph session 2 years ago...
the same back... but with a different aura now.
1st time seeing so so CLOSE UP. i cannot believe it man. why do i suddenly feel so unreal? for a moment, i thought i saw wax figurings. their face was unbelievably good. goodness me, their skin was shining. no pimples or any rough texture. i can say, is even much much much better than some girls. and is the 4 of them. OMG>>> ASTONISHMENT.
On a side note.
i saw the crew gave FLH bubble tea.. strawberry ice blend somemore. my goodness. zt and me made a joke that whoever bought it must be a strawberry lover. so funny.
I realised that autograph session can actually make one lose fat. from the standing and the running from one place to another. and the few meals. i think i only ate 1 main meal that day...
actually im considered lucky as i manage to get the autograph within 2 hrs after the sesssion began. somehow i manage to squeeze quite fast and i ended up being the 1st out of the 10 of us to get the autograph. zt was 2nd. was so afraid that she couldnt get in the line with me before i go up the stage..
after the autograph session, we immediately cab down to st james. lucky we weren't caught in the rain..was still raining when we got in the cab. and we end up "chopping" place for xq and frens. Frens must help each other ma. somore is fellow flh fans.
1st time in st james powerhouse. like some "mountain tortoise".
just outside st james powerhouse.

they actually took back our pass. sadness. i would have laminated it man.

the stage

if not for the hand beside it... i would have thought this is a poster.

the st james private event was such a great enjoyable time. we were so close to the stage. there was joy, laughter and tears. i saw someone beside me teared after hearing the touching words by FLH. im also touched by their words when they spoke about their experience and the most memorable thing in this entertainment field. really, this is what that make people yue lai yue ai feilunhai. not merely a empty flower vase that only have looks and no inner beauty. they possess humour, personality, brains, looks and are mature in thinking.
an important message was bought home. ~cherish the ones around you~
~MON 30 March 09~
the campus superstar recording. the whole studio was blasted with loud cheering from both contestants supporters and flh fans. enjoyable and fun. All the people got the telepathy to cheer for the same clause, to scream for flh. SO HIGH.. wow. im was amazed by the power of the fans. cool man... even the stage crew was like "WOW" and praising the fans.

we left before the results recording... was outside mediacorp and was surprised by the many MAXI cabs that drove past us. ALL OF THEM ARE FLH FANS. 1 after another. we like WA-ing until the last maxi cab went past. it caught me by surprise and i didnt manage to video it.
this makes me recall back that the stage crew said "once FLH leaves, all of the fans will be like bees chasing out." that was so true.
2 "full-filling" day of flh makes me HAPPY!
~huiting~~ :)
what we could have been, 1:33 PM.
This is my last wk of attachment le....yeah. Going to sch reopen soon,next week is the last wk to enjoy le.This thurs going to look find for cindy haha....think got 1 year never see her liao
haha...but i think she still look the same lo haha...don't know want watch movie anot leh.

Apple haha... bought from malaysia hehe... cute mah?
with love,zhenting.
what we could have been, 2:43 AM.